List of Clubs


Important Dates




Registration Information


Registration Form


Scholarship Request Form


What is ASEP?


ASEP is our After School Enrichment Program ("Clubs"). The Nickajack Elementary School PTA® offers enrichment programs in conjunction with ASP. Our PTA® Volunteer team works with the Cobb County ASP team and local vendors in our community to select a variety of sessions to be offered to our students. The program is available to students in grades K-5. The safety and security of the students during after-school hours is always a priority.


Goals of the After School Enrichment Program include the following:

  • To provide quality after-school enrichment activities;
  • To provide students a structured an safe environment that stresses responsible behavior, respect for others, and positive attitudes;

Each semester, students can choose from a variety of enrichment classes including arts, music, theater, Spanish, sports, technology, and academics.


The hours of the ASEP are Monday through Friday, beginning at 2:30PM and ending at 3:30PM. The program is not operated during weekends, school holidays or when school is closed due to inclement weather. Students not picked up within 15 minutes after the Club end time will be checked into ASP and the Parent will be charged the normal ASP daily rate. 


Students must be enrolled in the Cobb County After School Program (ASP) in order to participate in ASEP clubs. You can enroll here:


Questions? Please email


What is ASP?


ASP is the county's all-in-one After School Program where students are picked up from classrooms, fed a healthy snack, and are taken care of, starting right after school ends until 6:00PM. 


During ASP, students engage in a variety of activities, including theme-based learning, homework and tutoring assistance, arts enrichment, and play. The components of ASP include:

  • Adult supervision during non-school hours;
  • Affordable cost for child care services;
  • Educational resources to improve the academic performance of participating students;
  • Recreational activities to enhance social interaction in a group setting; and
  • Nutritional snacks as an afterschool refreshment.


ASP is open to all students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Students are grouped according to grade levels.


ASP is operated by the Cobb County School District and is not affiliated with the PTA®. More information can be found here: